Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great

Dom Salkin

Dom Salkin hat eine Freundin Jessica bei ihrem Beruf als Altenpflegerin fotografisch begleitet. Die Bilder zeigen Ausschnitte aus dem Care-Alltag: von der Anfahrt über die Medikamentengabe hin zu persönlichen Einblicken in die häusliche Umgebung der zu Pflegenden. Ob Pflegebetten in früheren Wohnzimmern oder Hochzeitsfotos aus früheren Tagen, Dom Salkin hat mit Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great die Realität abgebildet, die häufig so nicht sichtbar ist: Hautnah und unverfälscht werfen die Fotografien ein wichtiges Schlaglicht auf das unmittelbare Leben mit dem und im Alter.

Dom Salkin has photographically accompanied his friend Jessica in her job as a caregiver for the elderly. The pictures show excerpts from the daily care routine: from the journey to the administration of medication to personal insights into the home environment of the person being cared for. Whether nursing beds in former living rooms or wedding photos from earlier days, Dom Salkin has created a unique experience with Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great, Dom Salkin has depicted a reality that is often not visible in this way: up close and unadulterated, the photographs cast an important spotlight on the immediate life with and in old age.

Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Aus der Serie Who says nursing is stressful? I'm 39 and I feel great (2021)
Interview mit Jessica